Qualified structural engineer
Authorization to control and certify the stability of construction projects according to §68 paragraph 2 BauO NRW 2018
Verifiable statics
Preparation of verifiable static calculations for the approval of the construction project.
structural concept
Creation of a structural design suitable for timber construction with consideration of costs and dates
Project and planning preparation
Timber construction-specific planning with consideration of assembly, joinery and production technology. It will be Static and constructive plans are drawn up taking into account stability, usability and cost-effectiveness
execution planning
By using 3D CAD /CAM software (cadwork) communication with the executing timber construction company is organized quickly and efficiently. Thus, the details can be finally discussed and defined in the execution phase.
Exchange with IFC file format
Through the CAD/CAM software usedcadwork,
BIM-compatible work is made possible and also striven for.